The Amazonian Rain Forest
sonia | 16 de febrero de 2021 | 3 | Readings , Sin categoría , Slider
Hola familia! Hoy les traigo una lectura que habla sobre el Amazonas, lo extenso y bello que es y por qué esta en peligro. Recuerden que el vocabulario esta en la parte de abajo y si quieren estudiar el Listening o tienen dudas con la pronunciación de alguna palabra, también está el audio de la lectura 😉 .. Cuéntenme en los comentarios cómo les pareció y qué opinan del tema.
In the heart of South America, there is one of the largest tropical forests in the world: the Amazonian Rain Forest.
It is nearly as big as the U.S.A(1): 2.375.000 square miles(2).
With the tropical forests of South-East Asia and West África, it provides(3) half of the world´s oxygen(4). Its plants give us nearly a quarter of the world´s medicines (1.400 of them are anti-cancer drugs) and it contains more than(5) half of all the animal and plant species in the world. Most of them have never been clasified(6).
But every minute 20-40 hectares of forest are destroyed and every year a piece of rain forest as big as Belgium disappears(7).
The Amazonian Rain Forest is disappearing for a number of reasons(8). Beef farmers(9), who raise cattle(10) to supply(11) the U.S.A with hamburguers, destroy the forest to feed(12) their animals. Other farmers destroy the forest to grow their crops(13). But after a few years, the torrential rain washes away the soil(14) and both kinds of farmers have to destroy more forest. The trees are chopped down(15) to provide firewood(16) or furniture for the developed world(17). And in 1966, after valuable mineral deposits had been discoreved(18), the Brazilian government decided to exploit the area.
And the result?? If nothing is done(19), in 30 years time, the Amazonian Rain Forest will no longer exist(20).
- It is nearly as big as the U.S.A: Es casi tan grande como los Estados Unidos de America.
- Square miles: Millas cuadradas.
- It provides: Prové.
- Half of the world´s oxygen: La mitad del oxigeno del mundo.
- More than a half: Más de la mitad.
- Have never been clasified: Nunca han sido clasificadas.
- As big as Belgium disappears: Tan grande como Bélgica desaparece.
- Reasons: Razones.
- Beef farmers: Criadores de ganado.
- Raise cattle: Crian el ganado.
- To supply: Para suministrar.
- To feed: Para alimentar.
- Grow their crops: Hacer crecer sus cultivos.
- The soil: El suelo/la tierra.
- Chopped down: Talados.
- Firewood: Leña.
- Developed world: Mundo desarrollado.
- Had been discoreved: Se hubieran descubierto.
- If nothing is done: Si no se hace nada.
- Will no longer exist: Ya no existirá.